Hip Hop Heals
Hip Hop Heals is using therapeutic Hip Hop as an art-based alternative to medication, bridging the gap between Hip Hop and therapy.

64 Million Artists
Acta Community Theatre
Art Lift
Arts on Prescription
Beyond Skin Intercultural Arts
Black Arts Forum
Black Thrive
Board in the City
Boiler House
Book Clubs in Schools
Coin Street Community Builders
Community Catalysts
Craft Council
Creative Lives
Cymaz Music
Disability Arts
Doorstep Library
Dose of Nature
Empire Fighting Chance
Fair Beats
Flo’s Skatepark
Forestry England
Historic England
Hoot Creative Arts
IMM Music
Irie Dance Theatre
Local History Café
Magic Me
Man Up
Move Dance Feel
National Trust
Natural England
Noise Solution
Nordoff Robbins
Outside Edge Theatre Company
People Dancing
Plymouth Music Zone
Reading Agency
Rising Voices
Royal Horticultural Society
Sea Sanctuary
Significant Seams
Sing Up Foundation
Social Farms and Gardens
Soil Sisters
Stable Lives
Streetwise Opera
TCV - The Conservation Volunteers
The Amies Project
Theatre for Life CIC
Theatre Peckham
The Dragon Café
The Good Gym
The Holburne Museum
The Lightbox
The Red Earth Collective
The Wave Project
The Wildlife Trusts
UK Theatre
Arts, Crafts and Mental Health
Nature, Outdoors and Mental Health
Digital Community Assets and Mental Health
Singing and Mental Health
Shared Reading: Literature, Libraries and Mental Health
Evaluation and Ethics in the Arts and Mental Health
Arts & Health Practitioner Support
Hip Hop, Spoken Word and Mental Health
Archaeology and Mental Health

Do you want to learn more about how social, cultural and community engagement affects mental health? Take part in our online training course run in partnership with the Royal Society for Public Health.